Sunday, August 5, 2007


Technical notes: I used the webcam for this one, and it took forever to upload on both and YouTube. Did that happen to anyone else? It could have to do with the fact that this video is very very long. I won't be disappointed if you don't watch the whole thing.

Originally, I planned to do a video on how to give yourself a pedicure, because then I could do homework and paint my toenails at the same time. Then I realized that there are people out there who might really like to see my feet on video, I mean, in a not-very-nice way.

I'm sure there are people out there who get, um, excited over puzzles, too (insert Will Shortz joke here). But for some reason I don't feel so icky about that. So here it is, folks. Me doing Sudoku, pretty slowly:

click here

or: (right click to save)


Elizabeth said...

ok - so I really enjoyed this post so what does that say? I thought it was very challenging to learn this brainteaser type puzzle and to think about what your strategy was at the same time. I liked that you didn't speak the whole time - I guess you were thinking and I was thinking during the silence. So it worked for me!!! Thanks for putting in the Wikipedia definition too

Debbie's RUSSL Page said...

I really liked the tour of Collingwood. The music was a nice touch but I especially liked the way you focussed on the small often overlooked details. The reflection in glass shots were outstanding!