Sunday, August 5, 2007

oops! and sudoku (shep pettibone remix)

First: if you want to see the MP4 version of my tour o' Colls, click here: (right click to save)

I just learned that YouTube doesn't let you upload videos more than ten minutes long. Oops! Yes, I hang my head in shame that it took me eleven minutes and change to solve that puzzle. So I used Windows MovieMaker to edit out chunks and then I uploaded it to YouTube. I realized during the editing process that my narration leaves many, many things to be desired. The final YouTube video clearly makes no sense, but is perhaps more entertaining than its sibling . . . and it still took a long time to upload. Here it is:

Or here:


Melissa said...

Hi Mary Fran!

Very creative! I really liked listening to you think about the puzzle. Good explanation too!

nancy said...

I love crossword puzzles, but anything with numbers makes my brain go all numb - I so admire people who can do this!

slgc said...

I'm impressed with how much of this you do in your head. I am constantly making preliminary margin notes in the boxes when I'm doing Sudoku.