Sunday, August 5, 2007

Brotherhood 2.0

Many moons ago, in college, I hung out with John Green sometimes. We grew up . . .and he became a Printz-award-winning YA author. Now he's doing this project with his brother, Hank Green, called Brotherhood 2.0. The brothers have agreed not to use any textual communication for a year, and to create vlogs to one another Monday through Friday. They've inspired the creation of a community they call the Nerdfighters--active discussion in the "My Pants" forum on their site, and lots of response videos on YouTube, and best of all . . . made up funny songs. Web 2.0 at its best.

1 comment:

Debbie's RUSSL Page said...

Thanks for posting this! I added their vlog to my RSS feed. I had forgotten I wanted to read Katherines. Luckily there is still time before school starts!